Professor of Internal Medicine, Cardiac Center, University Hospital. Hue University of Medicine & Pharmacy. No 6 Ngo Quyen, Huecity, Vietnam.
He was graduated as PhD degree in in Hanoi Medical School, Vietnam with the thesis title Insulin resistance, a new risk factor in Vietnamese hypertensive patients. After that, he passed 2 years of residency of cardiology in University of Paris, Lille, Strasbourg of France. He was recognized as Assoc. Professor of Internal Medicine in 2006 and then as Full Professor from 2009. His trend of scientific research was the new cardiovascular risk factors, particularly the hypertension in VN, the cardiac arrythmia especially the Brugada syndrome and pacemaker implantation. He was invited to be the reviewer of some foreign papers such as the Journal of ASEAN Cardiovascular & thoracic disease, the Journal of Clinical Hypertension and editorial board of many journals in Vietnam including the Vietnamese Heart Association, the Vietnamese Society of Internal Medicine, Vietnamese Heart Rhythm Society. Untill now besides the mission as Director, Cardiac Center of Hue University Hospital, some other national role was took part by him such as President of Vietnam Society of Hypertension, Vice President of Vietnam National Heart Association, Vice President of Vietnam Heart Rhythm Society. For the international associations, he was being the fellow of ACC, fellow of AsCC, member of APHRS, ISH, APSH and ESC Professional Member. Over 14 books and over 135 papers of different topic concerning about the cardiology published in Vietnam and there were 13 papers published and/or congress abstracts in abroad. In 2017 at Seoul South Korea, he received the ISH awards for doctors in the developing countries having many contributions for study and prevention of hypertension.